Canon C-Log and C-Log3 to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs

Canon C-Log and C-Log3 to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs


The easiest way to transform your C-Log and C-Log3 footage to Rec.709, giving you natural colors, accurate skin tones, plus a selection of professional creative looks to make your footage pop in just one step.

Specifically designed for footage shot in C-Log/Canon Cinema Gamut and C-Log3/Canon Cinema Gamut, these LUTs are designed to give you a natural starting point for your color grading process. You can use these conversion LUTs on any footage shot in Canon C-Log and C-Log3, whether it’s interior, exterior, day or night, on any Canon camera that supports C-Log or C-Log3.

This pack features all of the basic conversion LUTs plus 25 creative looks to help you further stylize your footage. These creative looks are coupled with the conversion LUT, giving you the convenience of a one-click look. You can further adjust the image by using the Pre-LUT corrections or performing them manually before the creative look.

In addition to the 8 conversion LUT variations, we’ve also included 8 Pre-LUT files to help you easily achieve the look you’re going for. If you happen to overexpose or underexpose by 1 or 2 stops, there are included LUTs that are designed to be applied before the base LUT to bring the exposure back to normal before the conversion is applied. There are also Pre-LUTs for wide dynamic range, warm and cool. This ensures ultimate flexibility in your own personal workflow.


41 LUTs for each camera profile (164 LUTs total) (33x33 .CUBE files)
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Canon C-Log/Canon Cinema Gamut
Canon C-Log/BT.709
Canon C-Log3/Canon Cinema Gamut
Canon C-Log3/BT.709


OS: Desktop and mobile, Mac and PC
Apps: Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, FCP X, Filmora, etc.
Color Profiles: C-Log/C. Gamut, C-Log/BT.709, C-Log3/C.Gamut, C-Log3/BT.709

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Technical and Creative

Our C-Log and C-Log3 to Rec.709 conversion LUTs are designed to be the perfect blend between being scientifically and technically accurate while also having a human, creative and natural look. Compared to using a CST in Resolve or using the automatic conversion in Final Cut Pro, not only will these LUTs will give you a more pleasing look, but also more options to choose from and some time-saving pre-LUTs which help you make fast and accurate adjustments to the image.


Choose from a collection of creative looks, coupled with the conversion, for a one-step process. This makes it easy to achieve a distinct style on your footage. Use your favorite LUT on every project to develop your own specific, recognizable style.

Focus on the fun parts

Forget worrying about how to properly grade or convert your C-Log and C-Log3 footage. Just apply one of the conversion LUTs and you’re good to go. Whether you plan to export right away or adjust the grade to your liking, you can be confident knowing that you’re getting the best quality from your camera possible. Plus, all of our other Creative LUTs work perfectly combined with these conversion LUTs.



The three images below show the three stages of transformation from C-Log3 to Rec.709, then with one of the creative conversion LUTs applied. Click the image to view larger.

C-Log3 Ungraded

LUTCo C-Log3 to Rec.709 Natural LUT

LUTCo C-Log3 to Rec.709 Creative LUT - Sensei


Resolve CST vs LUTCo Conversion lUTs

Canon official C-Log3 LUT (Left) vs. LUTCo C-Log3 to Rec.709 LUT (Right)

Notice the smoother skin detail, less red skin tones, and more natural overall look compared to the Canon official LUT.

Our C-Log3 to Rec.709 LUTs give you more flexibility and a better starting point than using Canon’s LUTs.


Before/After Stills





Get the most out of your
Canon Log Footage

Canon C-Log2 to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs C-Log2 LUTs Pool_1.56.3.jpg

Canon C-Log2 to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs

Sony S-Log3 to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs S-Log3_LUT_1.299.3.jpg

Sony S-Log3 to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs

DJI D-Log/D-LogM to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs DJI D-Log LUT Sensei_1.17.3.jpg

DJI D-Log/D-LogM to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs

Apple Log to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs AppleLog_to_Rec709_LUTs_Cinematic_1.84.3.jpg

Apple Log to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs

LC_FujiF-LogToRec709-Creative_HeroImageGallery_1.jpg LC_FujiF-LogToRec709-Creative_FeaturedThumbnail_BeforeVsAfter.jpg

Fujifilm F-Log to Rec.709 + Creative
