Apple Log to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs

Apple Log to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs


An Apple Log LUT pack designed to simplify post-production work and give you natural colors on your Apple Log footage shot on iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max, iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Experience the full benefit of shooting in Apple Log without the challenge of grading it in post. These LUTs are designed to give you a natural starting point for your color grading process. You can use these conversion LUTs on any footage shot in Apple Log, whether it’s interior, exterior, day or night, captured with any app supporting Apple Log recording including the native camera app, BlackMagic Camera app, and more.

This pack features all of the basic conversion LUTs plus 16 creative looks to help you further stylize your footage. These creative looks are coupled with the conversion LUT, giving you the convenience of a one-click look. You can further adjust the image by using the Pre-LUT corrections or performing them manually before the creative look.

In addition to the 4 conversion LUTs, we’ve also included 8 Pre-LUT files to help you easily achieve the look you’re going for. If you happen to overexpose or underexpose by 1 or 2 stops, there are included LUTs that are designed to be applied before the base LUT to bring the exposure back to normal before the conversion is applied. There are also Pre-LUTs for wide dynamic range, warm and cool. This ensures ultimate flexibility in your own personal workflow.


28 LUTs (33x33 .CUBE files)
10 Page PDF with Tips and Workflow Overviews
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OS: Desktop and mobile, Mac and PC
Apps: Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, FCP X, Filmora, etc.
Cameras: iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max
Color Profiles: Apple Log/Rec.2020

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Art + Science

Our Apple Log to Rec.709 conversion LUTs are designed to be the perfect blend between being scientifically and technically accurate while also having a human, creative and natural look. Compared to using a CST in Resolve or using the automatic conversion in Final Cut Pro, not only will these LUTs will give you more flexibility in terms of looks and workflow, but they will give you a better starting point on which to build the rest of your grade.

Compatible with Any Recording App

Whether you want to film using the native camera app on the iPhone, the BlackMagic Camera app, Filmic Pro, or Moment Pro camera, the LUTs will still be compatible. You can even load them onto an external display like a SmallHD monitor connected via a USB-C to HDMI adapter to preview the LUTs while you shoot. This is because Apple Log is a standardized format, compared to previous log profiles where each app had its own version. This gives you the ultimate flexibility to use whatever feels most comfortable to you.

Focus on the fun parts

Forget worrying about how to properly grade or convert your Apple Log footage. Just apply one of the conversion LUTs and you’re good to go. Whether you plan to export right away or apply a creative look on top, you can be confident knowing that you’re getting the best quality from your camera possible. Plus, all of our other LUTs work perfectly combined with these conversion LUTs.



The three images below show the three stages of transformation from Apple Log to Rec.709, then with one of the creative conversion LUTs applied. Click the image to view larger.

Apple Log Ungraded

LUTCo Apple Log to Rec.709 Middle Grey LUT

LUTCo Apple Log to Rec.709 Creative LUT - Cinematic Warm


Resolve CST vs LUTCo Conversion lUTs

Apple Log to Rec. 709 Gamma 2.4 conversion via Resolve CST (Left), and our Middle Grey conversion LUT (Right)

Notice the smoother highlight rolloff, the increased detail, and the more natural colors in our conversion LUT compared to the Resolve CST.

The Apple Log to Rec.709 LUTs give you more flexibility and a better starting point than using a DaVinci Resolve CST (Color Space Transform).


Final Cut Pro vs LUTCo Conversion LUTs

Below is a comparision between the default Final Cut Pro conversion from Apple Log to Rec.709 (Left), and the LUTCo Apple Log to Rec.709 Middle Grey LUT (Right)

Notice the Final Cut Pro conversion pushes the midtones and highlights very bright and saturated, not leaving much room in the grade to make any adjustments. The LUTCo conversion preserves middle grey and retains more highlight detail, making for a more pleasing and natural starting point. Plus, by using LUTs, you have the ability to modify the image processing pipeline, whereas using the built-in Final Cut Pro conversion, you have to perform it at the clip level.


iPhone 15 Pro Max HDR Video mode vs LUTCo Conversion LUTs

In this example, you can see the comparison between a ProRes Log recording and the normal HDR tone mapped recording on the iPhone. The HDR mode is totally oversaturated, harsh, and too sharp. Even though we can make out a bit more sky detail from the tone mapping, the benefit is cancelled out by the over-processed look.

The LUTCo conversion LUT transforms the log image into a useful starting point to grade. From here, you have the creative control to do whatever you wish to the image, including adding more contrast, saturation, or brightness. The key here is that the control is in your hands, not your iPhone.

What Is Apple Log and how to Color Grade It


Look Descriptions


Apple Log to Rec. 709 Natural

This base LUT is your main starting point. Start with this one and then test the other variations to see what works best with the footage you shot. This will be an all-around workhorse LUT and is compatible with any type of scene whether it’s bright daylight with harsh lighting, moody interiors or dark nighttime.

Apple Log to Rec. 709 Faithful

This LUT is similar to the Natural LUT, but targets the proper colors on a vectorscope, giving you more color accuracy and a bit more vibrancy right away.

Apple Log to Rec. 709 MiddleGrey

This LUT looks very close to the Faithful LUT, but transforms middle grey perfectly from Apple Log to Gamma 2.4, ensuring high tonal accuracy and maintaining as much detail as possible in the highlights and shadows.

Apple Log to Rec. 709 Iphone Look

Based on the Faithful LUT, this LUT emulates what the iPhone normally does in normal video mode with HDR tone mapping turned on. It generally brightens the midtones and highlights, creating a more contrasty and punchy image.

Pre-LUT Exp -1, -2, +1, +2 Stops

These 4 LUTs mimic actual exposure adjustments in post as if you had performed them in-camera. Since the native camera app can sometimes miss exposure a bit, these allow you to bring it back to a better starting point. The beauty of shooting in a Log format is that you have the flexibility to make these types of exposure adjustments.

Pre-LUT Warmer, Cooler

These 2 LUTs mimic actual white balance adjustments in camera. Use these to slightly warm or cool your footage to give you a better starting point.

Pre-LUT FCPX Color Fix

This LUT fixes oversaturated colors as a result of using the LUTs in Final Cut Pro. This can also be fixed by tagging the LUT’s input as “Rec.2020” in the Custom LUT effect, but just in case, this LUT performs the same fix and can be placed above the conversion Custom LUT effect in the stack.

Creative LUT Austerity

A clean, warm, and natural look. Brightens the midtones and highlights and has a soft rolloff in the highlights for smooth, pleasing skin tones.

Creative LUT Bright

A natural bright look that pushes some rich contrast into the image.

Creative LUT Cine

Cinematic look with teal shadows, warm skin tones and highlights to create a subtle color contrast. Highlights are brought down slightly to give it a more filmic look.

Creative LUT Cine Warm

The same cinematic look as Cine, but pushed warmer.

Creative LUT Classic chrome

A close match to the built-in film simulation on Fujifilm cameras called Classic Chrome. Features rich, natural colors, slightly cooler tones, contrasty shadows while maintaining details in the highlights.

Creative LUT Ektar

Inspired by the look of Kodak Ektar film, this look is subtle yet effective. Features warmer green tones, less contrast, and a warm overall tone.

Creative LUT Eterna

A close match to the built-in film simulation on Fujifilm cameras called Eterna. Intended to give a neutral starting point on which to build a grade.

Creative LUT Everyday

A film-inspired look that makes any subject pop. The warm, soft skin tones are complimented by cool green tones and pastel-like highlights.

Creative LUT Film Look

A strong vintage film look with true split-tone character. Shadows are pushed warm while highlights are pushed teal. Features vintage inspired colors and slightly lifted shadows. Pairs well with some nice grain, flicker, and halation.

Creative LUT Justice

Inspired by blockbuster films, this is the strongest look in the collection. Features intense contrast while maintaining skin tones and brightness. Warm highlights, cool shadows, and punchy colors.

Creative LUT Moody

A subdued look with very compressed highlights, darker midtones and deep shadows. Skin tones push more vibrant and green and blue tones push warmer and teal.

Creative LUT Nostalgic

A soft, warm, faded look that reminds you of a nice dream you had.

Creative LUT Powder

Strong vintage vibes with very faded whites and purple shadows.

Creative LUT Split Tone

Another cinematic split tone look, this time with a balanced color contrast and tone curve.

Creative LUT Very Nice

The name pretty much sums it up. Looks great on any footage you shoot and makes it nice and bright, fun, and pleasant to look at.

Creative LUT Warmth

If you’re looking for a balanced warm look, this would be your go-to. Brings the exposure of the footage down slightly to create rich tones in the mids and shadows.


Before/After Stills





Get the most out of your
iPhone 15 Pro Footage


Included Files


All LUTs are 33x33 .CUBE files.

Apple ProRes Log to Rec.709





Apple ProRes Log to Rec.709 correction pre-luts









Apple ProRes Log to Rec.709 creative luts

















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DJI D-Log/D-LogM to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs

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Sony S-Log3 to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs

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Canon C-Log and C-Log3 to Rec.709 + Creative LUTs

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